HAC RFC, Armoury House, City Road, London, EC1Y 2BQ
Looking to join the most central amateur Rugby Club in central London? We play in the heart of the city of London between Moorgate and Old Street station.
Please get in touch via the form below
General Enquiries
Club Captains
Andy Hughes (Senior) | andy-hughes@live.co.uk
Joe Archer (Playing) | HAC.Captain@gmail.com
Head Coach
Grant Hathaway | granthathaway83@gmail.com
1st XV Captain
Tom Gulland | tom.gulland@hotmail.co.uk
2nd XV Captain
Dom Stuart | dom.stuart@live.co.uk
Fixtures Secretary
Ed Johnson | HACfixtures@gmail.com
Tom Willis
Membership Secretaries
Thomas Hamper | t.j.hamper@outlook.com
Tom Gannon | tomgannon@live.co.uk
Sponsorship Secretaries
Harry Pawlak | HAC.sponsorship@gmail.com
Andy Hughes | andy-hughes@live.co.uk
PR / Social Media
Jack Hobbs | jhobbs154@gmail.com
Instagram hac.rugby
Twitter @hac_rfc
LinkedIn honourable-artillery-company-rfc